
Busting 6 Food Myths to Save Your Health and Your Wallet

With food prices rising every year while incomes continue to stagnate, going grocery shopping can turn into a real squeeze for anyone looking for top nutrition. One thing we can do to make ends meet is to drop the illusions we have been conditioned to think are truths. Most of these illusions have been created for the purpose of selling us a product that we could do quite well without. Slaying these illusions can help save big money over time.
Here are 6 widely accepted food myths that, when busted, will help you not only save your health, but also your wallet.

Denmark Launches ‘Most Ambitious’ Organic Venture, to Double Organic Farming by 2020

Over in Denmark, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries is working toward what has been deemed the ‘world’s most ambitious’ plan for surging organic food across the country. Excitingly, the new strategy involves doubling organic farming in order to serve more organic food in the nation’s public institutions.

The Great Invasion- Endocrine Disruptors and the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity

I stumbled across this little documentary while searching for info on this topic. It's less then 1 hour in length. Released in 2010. So nearly 5 years old now. After watching it, I simply have to conclude that even more information/evidence has been gathered on this subject.  And yet, that information continues to fly right under the radar. While other big money making agendas are pushed to the point of absurdity!!!Oh, yes it's rant time!

Strategic Relocation Brief: A 5 Star Rated State for Your Survival Retreat

Editor’s Note: The following article comes to us from our friends at Strategic Relocation and has been contributed by well known relocation specialist Joel Skousen. As is usually the case with Mr. Skousen’s highly informative briefs, this one touches on some key points to be digested by anyone looking to leave the big city in search of greener…

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: Planting The Seed Of Propaganda - Media Readily Suggests Patriots Are Responsible For Boston Marathon Bombing!

I am truly surprised that most people cannot see this latest bombing in Boston Massachusetts for what it really is... A definite false flag attack to strike FEAR into the American public.... What needs to be understood is the psychology of Fear itself, and how people who are stricken by fear will want to quickly find a remedy or a solution to dispel that fear... In most cases when a general populace is stricken by fear, they turn to their own government for solutions...

Earth Hour 2013 - Still a Despicable Hoax (repost)

Earth Hour: A Despicable Hoax"Earth Hour" special by Tony Cartalucci,Originally posted March 26, 2011 - Nothing embodies the corporate hijacked environmental movement more than the despicable hoax that is "Earth Hour." Once a year, we are bombarded worldwide by a feel-good advertising campaign on TV, radio, billboards, fliers, in the newspaper and in every other conceivable way for an event that involves turning off the lights for one hour per year, to "take a stand against climate change."