#GoodNewsNextWeek: Give Grandma a Bong Hit Because Pot Beats Alzheimer’s (Video)
They just discovered a whole lot of water under California, but getting it its the problem; Another study shows the power of pot; and the ozone hole is healing.
They just discovered a whole lot of water under California, but getting it its the problem; Another study shows the power of pot; and the ozone hole is healing.
They just discovered a whole lot of water under California, but getting it its the problem; Another study shows the power of pot; and the ozone hole is healing.
Mr. Vidal said it best. And as our beloved republic celebrates the 240th anniversary of this exquisite laboratory experiment in liberty and as Hillary Clinton emerges from a “voluntary” discussion with FBI agents as to her various server and email derring-do and as we contemplate November and the worst possible offering of candidates in the history of our motherland, let us remember Gore Vidal.
California cannabis, Pepsi aspartame and the 40-year-old Twinkie + this day in history w/the derecho and our song of the day by Cymbals Eat Guitars on your Morning Monarchy for June 29, 2016.
Stop the presses! Going outside is good for your mind and body; West Virginia gets outpouring of support after deadly floods; and we're lovin' it as McDonald's closing 500 more locations.
Stop the presses! Going outside is good for your mind and body; West Virginia gets outpouring of support after deadly floods; and we're lovin' it as McDonald's closing 500 more locations.
Dissolving the dead, walking on water and chemtrails and chill + this day in history w/Enovid and our song of the day by Sonny Knight & The Lakers on your Morning Monarchy for June 23, 2016.
The Church of St. Paul the Apostle, the Mother Church of the Paulist Fathers in Hell’s Kitchen, proudly celebrated diversity in this post-Orlando exhibition of solidarity.
That about sums up my feelings. I will not try and compete with your own disgust or claim that I’ve somehow tapped into a greater appreciation of the horror than you have. I’m not for pithy hashtags or filters. I don’t send thoughts and prayers out as I’ve never understood what that even mean. What I do is try and dissect the issues and apply a healthy dose of critical thinking to a horror that’s been coopted by every faction and ideological mob. the usual suspects.
If you wanted a thoughtful and intelligent race, pick another one. This isn’t the one. This is about yelling and screaming and irrelevancies. Inapposite and inconsequential nonissues that mimic relevant considerations. Too much heavy lifting. Beyond our pay grade. Too deep and complicated. We’re done with it. We’re through. We like easy topics and stories and issues. Like Chewbacca Mom or the plight of elegant and majestic apes that we’ve penned and caged for our amusement that are gunned down while unattended kids enter prohibited regions. Pick northern election.