
Sobchak: Liberals hope to make gains in Russia

Ksenia Sobchak may have won more than her 1.6% of the vote in the March 18 elections seems to say. Although Mrs. Sobchak lost, in part as her campaign surely took some kind of hit because of her emotional breakdown under the furious slander of Vladimir Zhirinovsky during last week’s presidential “debate” program, her margin is significant and may be something of concern in Russia’s future. This, even though this time around Mrs. Sobchak carried the highest unfavorability rating, at 82% in this election season.

When Washington Decides Democracy Is Dangerous: Stoking Opposition In Venezuela And Syria

A Venezuelan protester holds a poster that reads in Spanish “Against Imperialist aggression, respect Venezuela” during a protest outside the National Assembly in Caracas Venezuela. (AP/Howard Yanes)
QUITO (Analysis)– If you’ve been following international news in recent years, you know that two countries, in particular, have served as punching bags for establishment pundits: Venezuela and Syria.

Därför behövs det libertarianer i riksdagen

Libertarianer gillar när beslut fattas utifrån fakta och på logiska grunder. Saker och ting måste fungera. Vi är en smula petiga på den punkten.Svensk politik är till synes tvärt om.Därför behöver ni välja in libertarianer i riksdagen. Vår själva närvaro skulle bli en demokratisk chock. Vi skulle vara precis så där obstinata som vi kan vara under våra långa nattliga diskussioner och på Facebook. Vi skulle kräva bevis och korten på bordet.

Opposition Condemns Goldman Sachs Purchase Of Venezuelan Bonds

Opposition led National Assembly leader accused Goldman Sachs of supporting the “dictatorship” of President Maduro. (AP/Ariana Cubillos)
Venezuelan opposition leaders have accused the major Wall Street investment bank, Goldman Sachs, of supporting a “dictatorial regime” for purchasing US$2.8 billion in bonds from the Venezuelan national oil company PDVSA, in spite of the fact that the purchase is a boost to the Venezuelan economy, Reuters reported.

Historique ! Au Vénézuéla, le président convoque une Assemblée Constituante, dont un tiers des constituants seront issus de la « société civile »

Le président vénézuélien Nicolas Maduro avait annoncé au début du mois qu’il convoquerait une Assemblée Constituante pour la rédaction d’une nouvelle constitution qui remplacera celle de 1999. Dans cette annonce, Maduro prévoyait que la moitié des citoyens constituants seraient issus de la « société civile ».

U.S. Destabilizes Venezuela, Syria To Retain Hegemony In Global Oil, Gas Markets

US backed Kurdish fighters of the YPG guard American military vehicles in the northern Syrian village of Darbasiyah, April. 29, 2017. (AP/APTV)
CHILE (ANALYSIS) — Separated by thousands of miles and embroiled in ostensibly unique conflicts – a “civil war” and a “political crisis,” respectively – the troubling situations in both Syria and Venezuela share more similarities than differences. These similarities owe largely to the fact that the ultimate end game for both crises is a change in national leadership or regime change.