
The Rebranding of Antisemitism after the Holocaust

[Prefatory Note: there has been past influential writing taking critical aim at the Holocaust as a cover for unrelated wrongs, most notably Norman Finkelstein’s brave critique The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, 2000, updated 2015). This post is concerned with distorting the legacy of the Holocaust by appropriating antisemitism as a […]

BFP Exclusive- Former CIA Officer & Whistleblower Frank Snepp Responds to Sibel Edmonds’ Article on Snowden-Greenwald

“The journalists’ “sugar daddies,” as you call them, will have to get in line if they want to exploit Snowden’s revelations against us.”
By Frank Snepp
Your post admirably demonstrates why “boiling” figures in the title of your blog. Your outrage burns like a cascading incendiary right through the entire piece.

The Snowden Effect: From Governmentalized to Privatized & Commoditized

How Safe is Our Information with Billionaire Corporatists & Dollar-Hungry Opportunist Individuals?
Please raise your hand if you are one of many concerned citizens when it comes to our government collecting and keeping your data without a warrant or any justification. Do you see my hand? I know I am a shorty, but it is up there; my hand. I assure you. In fact it has been there for a long time.

Part II- David Miranda’s Detainment: The Calico Kitten in Wag-The-Dog?

Dissecting Contradictions & Sensationalism in the NSA-Snowden Scandal
In August 2013 Glenn Greenwald’s husband, David Miranda, was detained and questioned by authorities at London’s Heathrow airport. Miranda was coming from Berlin, where he had met with Laura Poitras and was given thousands of top-secret Snowden-NSA documents. He had arrived at London’s Heathrow airport while carrying in his laptop a large cache of the highly-publicized NSA documents. He was stopped and interrogated by British authorities for nearly nine hours.