
Why is there so Much Wrong in Our Society?

As old certainties crumble and systems crystallize, social divisions grow and extremes harden, a friend asks: “Why is there so much wrong in our society?” It’s a good question. He was referring specifically to Britain where we both live, but, although the specific problems may vary, the question could be applied to any country, and by extension, to world society.

US Policy: Global Climate Crisis Not Our Problem. Really?

AP Photo/Mel EvansBy withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, the US is effectively saying the global climate crisis is not our problem. This is American exceptionalism run amok. The US acts as if it can opt-out of the only planet we have because, well, because we’re special. This is not logical, this is not practical, this is not moral, and this is not possible. This is delusional. This is a crime against humanity.

Let Juries Choose Public Officials

We have been taught since childhood that popular election is essential for democracy. In reality, although it is much better than, for example, a military junta, it is a very problematic way to choose public officials and is 100% not necessary for democracy.
The US political system would be far better and far more democratic if all the public officials now chosen by popular election were instead chosen by juries randomly sampled from the people.

Närmar vi oss den politiska galenskapens vändpunkt?

Den svenska politiska debatten står möjligen inför något slags skifte eller tipping-point.Folk börjar få nog av politiskt trams, inkompetens och planlös alarmism. Vanligt folk är definitivt inte intresserat av att offra sitt välstånd, sin trygghet och samhällets framåtskridande på de rödgrönas och finvänsterns altare.

Where Are the Influentials Who Find Trump Despicable?

The British political philosopher, John Stuart Mill, was a man of many pithy phrases. Possibly his most widely quoted assertion is that “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
This quote fits the Trump age perfectly. Where are you, Barack Obama? Obama is still polling higher than any other politician, active or retired. Instead of speaking out, he is making movies, maybe writing another book, and otherwise really enjoying himself.

Why I Stand by 70 Years Old Communist China

Happy Birthday, People’s Republic of China! Heartfelt Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, and thank you for being here, for standing, for not bending down and never surrendering.
The capitalist world is in decay. The West is rotting. Anger and nihilism are pouring from the imperialist empire whose citizens are frustrated; not at peace with themselves.