
America Needs a Formal Truth-Telling Process, and  Right Now!

Racism proves again that it is a cancer that’s ravaging American society. As of late it seems to have metastasized to an uncontrollable disease that is snuffing our relationships, human dignity, careers, and common decency in the U.S. The various incidences of racial strife over the last several years, ranging from continued police brutality to the rise in racist extremist groups, points undoubtedly to the fact that America has a problem with race.

“Warrior” Steve Bannon arrested as Trump’s America is Crumbling

It often happens this way: extreme right-wingers, or call them ‘ultra-conservatives,’ either in the United States or Europe, suddenly fall from grace, after committing the most heinous crimes. Sometimes it is child abuse or sexual harassment, but most of the time, it is a corruption of tremendous proportions.
In theory, in their own theory, it is not supposed to be this way. Listen to the conservatives, and they will tell you that they are there in order to uphold law and order, as well as the traditional culture of their countries.

In the Streets

Protesting and rioting cannot occupy the same space. Black Lives Matter is fast becoming the ipso facto mother of the so-called Antifa. Riots in the streets will obviously require the use of force. Americans have been vocal on various sides of the issue, with some proclaiming the right to vigilantism, while others claim the federal government must intervene, regardless of the constitutionality of such conduct.

Making Politics Work for You

Winston Churchill, in the British House of Commons on November 11, 1947, made the following statement:

Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…”

Rush to Censor, Discredit As Much-Anticipated Plandemic 2 Released

By Jefferey Jaxen On May 4th, 2020 as part of a documentary series called Plandemic, investigative filmmaker Mikki Willis released an interview featuring science whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits. The interview received fierce backlash and heavy-handed censorship for what the corporate media declared “dangerous conspiracy theories.” Plandemic 2 now goes deeper, beyond Dr. Mikovits, into conflicts… Read More »Rush to Censor, Discredit As Much-Anticipated Plandemic 2 Released

Do Americans Dream of Capitalist Sheep?

It’s capitalism after all.  Those political parties for the rich and powerful know how to sell exploitation and subjugation by their good cop/bad cop marketing. If you don’t buy this, you get Trump.  But if you buy what they sell, you get Biden, an imperialist with the crime bill, Patriot Act, and the rest of the schemes for the rich and powerful.   W.E.B DuBois talked about this in 1956 saying, “I shall not go to the polls. I have not registered. I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris duo delights liberals… but why? [Video]

I got in trouble with one of my dearest liberal friends today. A social media thread noted that some people were referring to Kamala Harris, “Joe Biden’s pick”** for Vice President going into the November elections, as a “Ho” (vernacular in English for the more rude form of the word “prostitute.”) I actually tried to stick up for not calling Senator Harris names (as a sure sign that one has the losing argument) and to instead insist on getting questions answered about policy – in particular, these questions:

Hong Kong Elections Postponed: And where aren’t they?

Today, the Western press went absolutely mental again, radically schizophrenic.
Hong Kong leader, Carrie Lam, declared that the September 6 elections in SAR would be postponed by one year. Right away, she offered a rational explanation:
“We have 3 million voters going out in one day across Hong Kong, such flow of people would cause a high risk of infection.”
Fair enough. But while COVID-19 can justify just about any action taken by the West and also by countries that are closely associated with the West, it is constantly used against Mainland China and SAR.