Operation Barbarossa

Why Russia & Belarus Are Not Irrational to Fear Another ‘Operation Barbarossa’

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture Russia and Belarus fear another blitz invasion — a modernized version of Germany’s infamous Operation Barbarossa — but this time coming from NATO (instead of only from Germany, as in 1940), and they are preparing their forces for it. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published a study, […]

Revisionism as Socratic method or Hitlerian propaganda?

By Michael HoffmanCopyright©2015 www.revisionisthistory.org While I was aware that the idolization of Adolf Hitler was a factor among World War II revisionists, among whom this writer is numbered, I had not gauged the depth of the cultic adoration of this man and the seeming hypnotic hold he continues to exert from the grave, though there’s nothing supernatural about it.