Open Borders

No-Go Zone: Weinstein: 23 Years, Turkish Border Provocations Against Greece Escalates & “Brown Power”

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Join Henrik as we cover Weinstein's sentencing, 23 years in prison. We also cover the Turkish escalations against Greece at the border and how Erdogan is threatening Europe with migrants. We also take a look at a new music video that is promoting "brown power," yes really.

No-Go Zone: Sweden's Violent No-Go Zones & Young Swedes Targeted For "Humiliation Crime"

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik covers the increased violence in Sweden, especially in the No-Go Zones. Immigrant groups are being taught to hate native Swedes. Robberies and crimes involving humiliation have increased rapidly the last few years. Watch the second episode of No-Go Zone.

Everything Is Too White & White Housewives Publicly Shamed - FF Ep64

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest stories and important events of the week in episode 64 of Flashback Friday.
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The Democrats’ Open Borders Conspiracy

The hatred of certain so-called progressive Democrats for America, especially white America, is a subject hardly worth debating. This is best summed up in a nutshell with Hillary Clinton’s now infamous “basket of deplorables” quote, which meant in effect anyone who doesn’t vote “for me” is a bigot.
While like Elizabeth Warren, Mrs Clinton has a well-deserved reputation for speaking with forked tongue, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (pictured) and her fellow travellers mean what they say. And not only are they intent on bringing it about, but they are half way there.

If you believe in freedom, then you should support Open Borders.

Submitted by Mousumi Roy…
History is a great laboratory because so many data are available. Open Borders makes sense, both economically and socially. Immigration. The idea that more than a handful of immigrants come-for government handouts is simply inconsistent with the facts. The reality? Immigrants labor lowers our “real” costs of living. Immigrant labor, whether “legal” or “Illegal” reduces the costs of construction, food, maintenance, … and on and on. An incredibly long list.