
For Europe’s sake, Britain must not be defeated – op-ed in The Sunday Times 10/9/2017

Britain must make a radical move if it is to avoid the snare set by Brussels, which wants Brexit to fail, writes Greece’s former finance minister
Yanis Varoufakis
September 10 2017, 12:01am, The Sunday Times
Varoufakis arrives at a meeting in Athens while he was the Greek finance ministerGETTY

Why Presidents Campaign on Peace but Rule by War

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — If the United States government continues as it does today, bestriding the narrow world like a colossus, it will be stabbed through the heart by daggers inscribed with the nation’s founding principles — the words “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” shedding salty tears of blood from sullied steel.
But I hope this day will not arrive.

Ron Paul: Here’s Why Government ‘Aid’ Only Makes Disasters Worse

(RPI) —  Texans affected by Hurricane Harvey, including my family and me, appreciate the outpouring of support from across the country. President Donald Trump has even pledged to donate one million dollars to relief efforts. These private donations will be much more valuable than the as much as 100 billion dollars the federal government is expected to spend on relief and recovery.