Deaths at Home Rise by a Third as Patients Stay Away From Hospital

There were more deaths (from all causes) in homes in each month of 2020 than in a normal year, according to the ONS, as treatment waiting lists and the "protect the NHS" drive kept patients away from hospitals.
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Alcohol Deaths Rise to Highest Level Since Records Began in England and Wales

Alcohol killed more people in England and Wales last year than in any other year since records began, according to data from the ONS, as many Brits turned to drink to cope with the isolation caused by lockdowns.
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Number of Weekly Covid Deaths in England and Wales at Lowest Level in Six Months

Flu and pneumonia are now killing almost as many people as coronavirus, according to new data, as the number of Covid-related deaths in a week has fallen to the lowest level in six months.
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New Oxford Study Confirms Spike in Infections Following Vaccination

A new Oxford study claims to show the vaccines working. But a closer look reveals some strange features, plus a confirmation of the troubling post-jab infection spike, leaving us with more questions than answers.
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