WHO Published Guidelines for Governments to Implement Vaccine Passports
21WIRE | WHO has its own globalist agenda run in concert with a cadre of billionaire elites and non-state actor, WEF.
21WIRE | WHO has its own globalist agenda run in concert with a cadre of billionaire elites and non-state actor, WEF.
This may be yet another example of how YouTube practices a type of censorship that does NOT involve removing “objectionable” material, but perhaps simply prevents any propagation of material that goes against the gospel of this world. Father Peter Heers delievers a stunning translation of a letter written in April of this year by one of the Athonite elders, who broke his silence to make clear the difference between his own point of view about the coronavirus pandemic and what is being attributed to him, often thoughts that he does not hold at
In groups of people there are always bullies who feel entitled, for no particular reason, to want more than the rest and to dominate the others in complete disregard of the common good. Fortunately for convivial people, bullies tend to have the psychological subtlety of dominant male gorillas who beat loudly on their chests and fight over food and females. Therefore bullies often annihilate each other. The more serious social problems occur when they collaborate to gang up on others.