
A Ukrainian Soldier Told How the Privates of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Drown in Blood Because of the Incompetence of the Officers

After the Russian army overcame the temporary difficulties associated with the regrouping of forces and the change in the direction of the main strike, the situation of Ukrainian troops in the Donbas deteriorated significantly. Russia’s superiority in armament is exacerbated by the unprofessionalism of Ukrainian officers, who, with their incompetent decisions, only complicate an already […]

Lithuanian officer in Poland suspected of spying

The Internal Security Agency (Poland) detained Lithuanian officer Antanas K., suspected of spying for Lithuania.
This is an unprecedented case of the detention of a Lithuanian official in Poland. According to the source, the officer collected classified information that was not within his purview.
He transmitted this information to Lithuania over the course of the year. On the basis of these data the Lithuanian authorities adjusted the state’s information policy to increase their chances of relocating US forces not to Poland, but to Lithuania.