
Defiant Pentagon hides poor testing results behind phony firewall

Defense contractors and program advocates have unusual control over what the public sees, leading to bad oversight, or worse. By Winslow T. Wheeler | Responsible Statecraft | February 3, 2022 Withholding information under the guise of classification “undermine[s] our national security, as well as critical democratic objectives, by impeding our ability to share information in […]

More Presidential Killings

By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano | January 27, 2022 Secretly and quietly, the Biden administration has continued to use the killing machine crafted by President George W. Bush, expanded by President Barack Obama and employed from time to time by President Donald Trump. These presidents have used drones and other unmanned missiles and projectiles to […]

New York Post: “Pro-Democracy” Media is Threat to Liberty

New York Post, January 14, 2022 ‘Pro-democracy’ and polarizing media are the real threat to liberty By James Bovard American democracy is in grave peril because journalists are insufficiently hysterical and biased. That is the conclusion of a trio of Washington Post columnists and a panoply of other media experts. But journalists’ rush to the […]

Wind will be Competitive! (Secretary Chu from 2011)

By Robert Bradley Jr. | MasterResource | January 6, 2022 “’Before maybe the end of this decade, I see wind and solar being cost-competitive without subsidy with new fossil fuel,’ Chu told an event at the Pew Charitable Trusts.” (below) Energy history matters. In the marketplace, what energies performed and at what cost; in energy policy, […]

Stopping the War Machine for One Day

Counterpunch, December 29, 2021 Stopping the War Machine for One Day by James Bovard I’ve attended most of the major antiwar protests in Washington since 9/11. At a 2005 protest, a cop tried to whack me on the head with a wooden pole. At a 2007 protest, I snapped a picture showing George W. Bush […]
The post Stopping the War Machine for One Day appeared first on James Bovard.

Covid and Corrupt Federal Statistics

American Institute for Economic Research, December 28, 2021 Covid and Corrupt Federal Statistics James Bovard Federal agencies don’t count what politicians don’t want to know. President Biden and other Democrats continuously invoke “science and data” to sanctify all their Covid-19 mandates and policies, but the same shenanigans and willful omissions have characterized Covid data. During […]

Unveiled documents expose countless civilian deaths and war crimes committed by the US

By Paul Antonopoulos | December 22, 2021 Since the early 2000’s, drone use in warfare became more prominent in US military planning and engagement. Successive US presidents, particularly Barack Obama, promised that the use of all-seeing drones and precision bombs would reduce civilian casualties. However, documents unveiled by the New York Times show flawed intelligence, […]

My Favorite Antiwar Protest

Mises Institute, December 21, 2021 My Favorite Antiwar Protest I’ve attended most of the major antiwar protests in Washington since 9/11. At a 2005 protest, a cop tried to whack me on the head with a wooden pole. At a 2007 protest, I snapped a picture showing George W. Bush hanging next to the US Capitol. […]
The post My Favorite Antiwar Protest appeared first on James Bovard.

Blood Brothers? Bruce Springsteen and Barack Obama

Blood Brothers? Bruce Springsteen and Barack Obamaby Ian SinclairMorning Star13-14 November 2021 Having released a joint podcast earlier this year, US music superstar Bruce Springsteen and former President Barack Obama have just published those conversations as a book – Renegades: Born In The USA. The podcast was hugely popular, and no doubt the book will […]