
Geopolitical Realism Utilized by Obama and Trump

Donald Trump’s stance towards the Turkish intervention in northern Syria has some (stress some) resemblance to his predecessor Barack Obama’s position on Ukraine. Obama like Trump, saw a reasoned basis for limiting US military involvement in Syria. In the background, is a degree of bipartisan (Republican and Democrat) opposition to this foreign policy approach.

America Doesn’t Belong in Syria

The war hawks will whine but we’ve been there long enough and must honor our commitments to Turkey.
When Syria tragically collapsed into brutal civil war in 2011, Americans had two contending reactions. One was to stay the hell out since there was little they could do other than offer aid to relieve suffering. The other was to intervene big time in order to transform the Middle East.

Impeachment, Brought to You by the CIA

For the first time in half a century, the political left in the U.S. is ascendant. Bernie Sanders is holding his own in the primaries. A group of well-considered programs to save the environment and provide good jobs and health care for all is gaining political traction. And the need is dire. The climate is warming, the seas are polluted and fished out and industrial agriculture threatens to end life on the planet. So, it’s time to change the subject?

Whistleblower Report is US Intel Community ‘Tremor’ Caused by Barr’s Russiagate Origins Probe

Sputnik – October 3, 2019 US Attorney General William Barr traveled to Rome last week as part of his investigation into the origins of Russiagate. Meanwhile, Democrats have tried to paint Barr’s probe as enlisting foreign support for US President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign, but really the probe “has the intelligence community scared,” an expert […]

The Best Celebrity Impressions? Jay Dyer

The old impressions clip was decent but it was audio. Many of them are better now and I’ve added some new ones. Which was the best? Let me know. It includes Arnold Schwarzenegger, keanu, David Lynch, lando, nic cage, Michael Caine, terence McKenna, jones, maxine waters, mcpconaughey, Obama, b real, bill Cosby, Jordan b peterson, Christopher walken, woody allen, ben Shapiro, Quentin Tarantino.

Former CIA Spook: “Clear To Me That Spying On Trump Was Ordered By Obama”

Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com:
Former Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe looks like he is going to be charged for his role in the Trump Russia hoax to try to remove a duly elected President from office.
Former CIA Officer Kevin Shipp, who is an expert on counter-intelligence, says McCabe is going roll over on his co-conspirators and talk if the DOJ cuts him a deal. Shipp explains,