
‘The Biggest Political Crime’: Does Obamagate Mean Treason, Sedition or Both?

By Ekaterina Blinova – Sputnik – 13.05.2020

On Sunday, President Donald Trump lashed out at his predecessor Barack Obama on Twitter accusing him of “the biggest political crime in American history” and calling it “Obamagate”. Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel has explained what the president may have meant and why former Obama officials should prepare themselves for a political storm.

FORECAST: Amazon Will Endorse Fake Labor Unionism to Back Google’s ‘Online-Election’ – A Color Revolution Against Trump

There is a rising National Labor Movement, but what we have seen holographed by an obvious DNC maneuver in collusion with Amazon and Walmart, and some hospitals, certainly is not it. If anything, such a move by the DNC will deliver an historic set-back to organized labor, one worse even than the leaders of labor have been able to arrange for themselves to date. The Democrat Party has moved forward onto the next phase of the plan to remove President Trump using the tactics of the Color Revolution, now involving organized labor.

Russiagate hoax blown wide open as Schiff’s lies compared with transcripts [Video]

This news this piece carries is so important that we include two videos with it. The Russiagate hoax was blown to bits on Friday, May 8th. V-E Day in the West might well be also called V-T day for the United States. Honestly, it ought to be V-T day for the world, and for Russia in particular, because now, more than ever, the folly of sanctions is obvious.

Adam Schiff’s Russiagate house of cards comes crumbling down (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how shifty, corrupt Congressman Adam Schiff folded and had to release information from 53 declassified transcripts of witnesses that testified before Congress regarding the FBI’s Russia probe into the Trump campaign.
The decision for Schiff to publish the 6,000 pages of transcripts comes after a showdown with Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, who stated in a letter on Wednesday that if Adam Schiff does not make the transcripts public then he will release them himself.