
AG Barr, separate DOJ investigation into Obama WH unmaskings (Video)

Via ACLJ ()…
At the Judiciary Committee hearing, Congressman Jim Jordan asked Attorney General Barr the following question:

38 people unmasked Michael Flynn’s name 49 times in a two month timeframe. Seven people at the Treasury Department unmasked Michael Flynn’s name. Is this an issue that Mr. Durham is looking into?

Attorney General Barr responded by saying:

Judge Sullivan does as ordered & drags Flynn case into August (Video)

Via CNBC ()…
A federal appeals court on Thursday tossed out its order that a trial court judge dismiss the criminal case against former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn, and said it will rehear arguments on the issue.
The ruling is a blow to the retired Army lieutenant general and the Justice Department, which has asked the trial judge to drop the charge.
Flynn pleaded guilty in late 2017 to lying to FBI agents about his conversations with a Russian diplomat in the weeks before the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

Debate: Is ‘Russiagate’ a CIA Hoax?

Eric Zuesse
There now is a public debate regarding whether or not ‘Russiagate’ was/is a CIA-generated hoax, instead of (as it has been reported) a Russian Government hacking operation. Whatever it was, did spark massive U.S. economic and other sanctions against Russia, and is therefore important in today’s U.S. international relations. Had the CIA actually created the “evidence”? Were those sanctions based upon a U.S. Government fraud? That is the question here.