
Voluntary implementation of Additional Protocol must stop if sanctions remain in place: Iran MPs

Press TV | February 21, 2021 Iranian lawmakers have once again highlighted the necessity of stopping voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) if sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic remain in place. The call came in a statement issued by 226 members of the Iranian Parliament following an open […]

Who benefits from a confrontation between the EU and Russia?

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The relationship between Russia and the West, already in a post-Cold War chill, has come under new pressure over the status of Alexei Navalny, and the European Union has threatened sanctions on Russia. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, “Relations have been consistently torn apart by the European Union.” […]

Shafting The Poor

By Willis Eschenbach | Watts Up With That? | February 5, 2021 Let me start with a couple of the most callous and heartless quotes that I know of. Here’s a description from Politico of the first one: President Barack Obama’s Energy secretary unwittingly created a durable GOP talking point in September 2008 when he […]

Kurds, stolen oil, and an American domestic terrorist

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator “YPG is a sub-affiliate of the Kurdistan’s Working Party (PKK), which is designated by the United States government as a Foreign Terrorist Organization”, according to the US justice department. Federal law enforcement agents arrested Daniel Baker of Tallahassee, Florida.  He had specifically called for others to join him in […]

Gallup: Trump Globally the Least Respected U.S. President This Century

Eric Zuesse On January 15th, the Gallup World Poll issued its preliminary report for their upcoming “Rating World Leaders: 2021” report. It shows the results that have been tabulated for 60 of the 135 countries where they annually sample global public opinion about U.S. leadership. One especially clear finding from it is that when their […]

Biden Picks “Mr. Monsanto” Tom Vilsack to Head the USDA

Return to Now | December 29, 2020 Under Obama, Vilsack brought us cloned farm animals, lab-grown meat and more GMOs than any Agriculture Secretary before or after him “No More Malarkey” Joe Biden just nominated one of Monsanto’s best friends to head the US Department of Agriculture. During his eight years under Obama, Tom Vilsack […]

MP3 Fighting Treason with Hell-raising Host Ernie Hancock

Freedoms Phoenix hellraising host Ernie Hancock and I had fun this morning smacking around treason and controversies over the 2020 presidential election.  My coffeemaker malfunctioned so my recall on the 1790s Alien and Sedition Acts was almost as bad as a PBS historian.  That coffee sho Two-thirds through the show, I commented, “The only thing […]

Obama, once again, busted funding al-Qaeda affiliate

Obama, once again, busted funding al-Qaeda affiliate The Duran: Episode 844. Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Knowingly Funded al-Qaeda Affiliate Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Knowingly Funded al-Qaeda Affiliate Non-profit humanitarian agency World Vision United States improperly transacted with the Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) in 2014 with approval from the Obama administration, sending government funds […]