
Zephyr Teachout Challenges Billionaire Political Puppeteer And Hedge Fund Crook Paul Singer To A NY-19 Debate

This video is unbelievably great and awesome and I've never seen anything like it and it makes me so damn proud that Blue America endorsed Zephyr Teachout on the same day she announced she was running for Congress in the Hudson Valley/Catskills district Chris Gibson is leaving. Please watch the clip. Zephyr actually challenges one of the ruthless hedge fund managers underwriting the campaign of a puppet Republican opponent to a debate. She'll debate Faso too of course, but she wants to debate Republican billionaire and puppet-master Paul Singer.

Who's All In For Party Unity?

When the PA-07 progressive Mary Ellen Balchunis-- endorsed by every Democratic party organ and institutional ally in southeast Pennsylvania-- smashed the DCCC recruit who they had helped raise money and run a campaign, even adding him to their Red to Blue program, the DCCC responded by abandoning the district to GOP incumbent Pat Meehan and taking the district off the map.

House Democrats Continue A Decade-Long Quest For Mind-Boggling Mediocrity-- Where Party Unity Is A One Way Street

The nexus of Democratic Party evil-- their way or the highwayThe incompetence and venality of a DCCC run by corrupt conservatives-- particularly Rahm Emanuel and Steve Israel, the former a New Dem and the latter a Blue Dog-- has led to overwhelming Republican victories in the House, including in bright blue districts where Obama won in 2008 and/or 2012.

Zephyr Teachout Schools The DC Political Establishment About What Bribery Means

Congressmen Alan Grayson (D) and David Jolly (R) are running against each other for the open Florida Senate seat but are also co-sponsoring a bill that would prohibit federal elected officials from soliciting campaign donations-- which everyone in DC knows are bribes. Yes, bribes, but bribes redefined in such a way as to keep those who write the laws and those who underwrite their careers out of prison.

New York Values-- Zephyr Teachout vs A Culture Of Corruption

Over the weekend Zephyr Teachout, the Blue America backed congressional candidate for the open blue-leaning seat in the Hudson Valley and Catskills (NY-19), made news twice. First came the announcement that, with no cooperation from a hostile DCCC she raised $418,000 in April, primarily from small grassroots donors who find her values-based, issues-oriented campaign appealing.

Blue America Endorses Zephyr Teachout For Congress

You probably remember how excited we were to see progressive icon Zephyr Teachout take on corrupt conservaDem Andrew Cuomo for governor of New York in 2014. She did remarkably well outside of Machine-controlled parts of New York. She won 30 counties, some with over 70% support. This week she announced that she's running for the open congressional seat-- Republican Chris Gibson isn't seeking reelection-- encompassing an area she swept when she ran against Cuomo.

Zephyr Teachout In The U.S. House Of Representatives?

You probably remember Zephyr Teachout's spectacular run against Andrew Cuomo in 2014. He beat her in the big city machine counties but she won Albany, where they know him best and she won up and down the Hudson Valley as well. In fact, of the 11 counties that make up NY-19, the seat Chris Gibson is giving up at the end of the year, Zephyr won 10. The biggest county in the district is Ulster, where she beat Cuomo 69.95% to 27.41%. Dutchess is the second biggest county and she beat him there 57.51%- 40.36%. The comes Rensselaer where it was Zephyr 63.42%, Cuomo 33.02%.