
Also Tuesday: Peace Beat War-- Jerry Nadler's Landslide Against A Crooked Millionaire's Son

Wednesday, everyone I know was either celebrating Zephyr Teachout;s landslide victory in NY-19 or trying to figure what went wrong in NY-24, where Eric Kingson came in second of three Democratic primary candidates-- or both. Dave Weigel's analysis of what went wrong in Syracuse speaks to the problem with Bernie's revolution.

Do Schumer And AIPAC Want To Make An Example Of Jerry Nadler For His Iran Vote?

Jerry Nadler, hero of peaceAlthough one Republican-- libertarian-leaning Thomas Massie (R-KY)-- abstained, all the rest of the House Republicans voted against the Iran nuclear deal. 86% of House Dems voted for it (162 out of 188)-- as had 91% of Senate Dems (42 of 46). Yesterday the House GOP warmongers were joined by 25 faithless Democrats, these 25 faithless Democrats: