NWO Tyranny

BREAKING via ALEX BERENSON: New Chinese Study Shows that More than Four COVID Jabs Produced Near Complete Collapse of Immune System in Mice

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit: China researchers in Wuhan testing their viruses on mice. Alex Berenson warned earlier today that he had information on a new study that would end ALL BOOSTER SHOTS immediately. TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ Boosters need to be halted immediately. HALTED. IMMEDIATELY. Stack coming — Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 18, […]

TRIBUNAL FEAR: Covid-vaccine-pushing talking heads now BACK-PEDALING to cover their tracks for fear of future prosecution for conspiring to push deadly vaccines

by S.D. Wells, Natural News: When World War II came to an end in 1945, the United States, along with the Soviet Union, UK, and France, agreed to convene a joint tribunal, now known as the Nuremberg Trials, to try 21 of the most insidious surviving leaders of Nazi Germany, as well as six German […]

Ukraine: Is the Hammer About to Fall?

by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review: “Here’s something you must understand. We were not given any opportunity to act differently.” Vladimir Putin The plan to engage Russia militarily is a tacit admission that the United States can no longer maintain its global dominance through economic or political means alone. After exhaustive analysis and debate, western elites […]

CIA Arrives in Libya to Manipulate Elections

by Steven Sahiounie, Strategic Culture: Can the Vice President under Obama, now President Biden, and his CIA director manipulate the political situation in Libya once again? William Burns, CIA director, arrived in Libya on January 12 and met with Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibe in Tripoli, and others. The meeting marked the highest-ranked U.S. official to […]

Doctor Warns The Vaxxes Are Toxic Depopulation Weapons That Were Calibrated For A Mass Culling: The Genocidal Destruction Of The American Population Is In Line With The Deagel Report

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline: (ANP: While for years and years, the absolutely bizarre 2025 forecast for the Deagel Report showing a US population of well below 100 million people was called a ‘crazy conspiracy theory,’ as Dr. Mike Yeadon, a scientist formerly of Pfizer, warns us in the 1st video at the bottom […]