NWO Tyranny

‘Dead Name’ Documentary Exposes Secret Trans Indoctrination Cult Teaching Kids to Want Gender Transition Surgery

from InfoWars: FIlm follows stories of three different parents who had their lives changed after their children were indoctrinated into thinking they were born the wrong gender. A powerful documentary film sheds light on the secret indoctrination plunging young children into a gender dysphoria mindset that sometimes culminates in radical sex reassignment surgeries. The documentary Dead […]

The Collective West Might as Well Nominate Hitler for the Nobel Peace Prize

by Natasha Wright, Strategic Culture: Not even the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine would have happened if there hadn’t been for the relentless NATO expansion towards the East. And now NATO is even trying to do their ‘(un)fair’ share in the Asian Pacific region. After Barack Obama winning the Nobel prize for peace in 2009 in […]

‘Covidians’ Need Not Apply – ‘Safe Blood’ Donation Startup And Billionaires Looking For Pureblood Pilots Shows The Tables Have Turned Against The Vaccine-Mandate Crowd

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline: Covidian, via Urban Dictionary: Someone who has elevated COVID-19 prevention or mitigation to the point of a religious persuasion, like they have become a zealot and judge and shame others for their “lesser” measures. A COVIDIAN does everything with COVID-19 prevention in mind, especially for others to see. Nations used […]

Jamie Lee Curtis Under Fire After Posting Disturbing Photo of Young Naked Child in Box on Social Media

by Margaret Flavin, The Gateway Pundit: Weird Jamie Lee Curtis is under fire after an image, captured in the background of one of her social media posts, reveals a disturbing photo of a young naked child in a box displayed on her office wall. The New York Post reports: The 64-year-old “Halloween” star — who contracted […]

Martel: Democrat Darling Jacinda Ardern Leaves Legacy of Cruelty, Tyranny in New Zealand

by Frances Martel, Breitbart: Authoritarian socialist Jacinda Ardern announced on Thursday she would step down from the prime ministership of New Zealand next month — a position she acquired in a controversial election and used to make the country crueler, less safe, and less free. Ardern has served as prime minister of the country since 2017, a […]