NWO Tyranny

Freedom Convoy: We May Have To Sue The Ontario Gov’t To Get Our Unsent FOIA Documents

by Joe Martino, The Pulse: Our team spent 25 days in Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy and got to see first hand the disparity between what was presented in mainstream media about the event and what was actually happening on the ground. This, like many other moments in the last few years, can feel frustrating […]

The Sickening Way Doctors Harm Patients through Civil Obedience

by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud: As we approach the 3-year anniversary of the planned Covid pandemic, how much progress have we made in reversing the weaponization of medicine and doctors? Key West cardiologist Bruce Boros joins me to share his wisdom on what’s important in overcoming the tyranny of medical censorship and defending ourselves from the […]

Brazil’s Central Bank On The Verge Of Raising Its Inflation Target As It Spirals Into The Inflationary Abyss

from ZeroHedge: Over the past year, we have repeatedly said that the endgame for this particular episode in central bank stupidity will be when the Fed is dragged, kicking and screaming, into hiking the US inflation target (read this, this and this). And while it will take at least a few more years before the […]

Wake Up America! Apocalyptic Scenarios Are Unfolding All Around Us, But Most People Are Still Asleep

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog: How can you get people to wake up if they are determined to keep sleeping?  For decades, global events have been moving us in a very ominous direction, and ever since this decade began the pace of change has accelerated dramatically.  But even though we just keep getting […]

One Giant Financial STD and Everybody is Infected – Bill Holter

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog: Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said last summer that the Fed rate increases would tank the economy.  Everywhere you look you see the economy falling apart.  House prices and sales are down.  Banks are clocking record losses, vehicle prices are falling and unemployment is rising.  The economy […]