NWO Tyranny

Soros Claims Russian Defeat in Ukraine Would Catalyze Dissolution of “Russian Empire”

by Angeline Tan, The New American: Globalist billionaire financier George Soros said on Thursday that Russia’s defeat in the Ukraine conflict would lead to a collapse of what he termed the “Russian empire,” adding that such an outcome would be welcomed by former Soviet republics. The Ukraine crisis that broke out in full force last […]

The Anti-Freedom Far-Left is Nothing More Than a Squawking Minority

by D. Parker, American Thinker: “We’re surrounded. That simplifies our problem.” Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller of the United States Marine Corps uttered the above words during the Korean War’s battle of Chosin Reservoir as Puller’s marines found themselves surrounded by 120,000 enemy troops under the command of Mao Tse-tung. TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ We’re being […]

Four Hypotheses About the Secular-Corporatist Global Elite

by Dr James Alexander, Daily Sceptic: Everyone has a theory about what is going on. But many are partial, or fragmentary, or too simple in explanation – attributing too much significance to ‘capitalism’ or ‘globalism’ or ‘opportunism’ or ‘unintended consequences’. We have to keep trying to make sense of the whole scenario. And I mean […]

As Twitter Hearings Go Scorched Earth And Prove The FBI Committed Treason Against America, Expect All These Laid Off ‘Techno Posers’ To Go To Work For The Govt And The ‘Deep State’

by MN Gordon, All News Pipeline: “Year of Efficiency” Sometimes things must get worse before they get better. To completely remodel a kitchen, for instance, you must first demo and gut the old one. These initial steps backward can be demoralizing. But there’s no way around it. And with perseverance and an ample budget, the […]

Prepping for War? Kamala Harris Says U.S. Formally Declares Russia Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity in Ukraine

by JD Rucker, Discern Report: In a move that must not be taking lightly, Kamala Harris told an international audience that the United States has formally determined Russia has committed “crimes against humanity” during their invasion of Ukraine. Harris made the statements on Saturday during her speech at the Munich Security Conference in Germany. TRUTH […]

“Do Your Non-Uniformed Guys Have Any Identifiers” – SHOCKING Capitol Police Video Uncovered from Jan 6 Shows Undercover and Armed DOJ Onsite – IT WAS A SETUP

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit: It was all one big setup! Videos released hours ago on Twitter show multiple examples of undercover federal agents at the Capitol on Jan 6. Now, there is even more evidence showing the extent of the presence of undercover federal agents at the US Capitol on Jan 6. In […]

Seymour Hersh Says He May Write More About Nord Stream’s Destruction

from Sputnik News: In his bombshell expose earlier this month, Hersh claimed that the United States is directly responsible for sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline. Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, who recently made bombshell allegations about the United States being responsible for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, has suggested that he may reveal further details about […]