NWO Tyranny

They’re Not Worried About “Russian Influence”, They’re Worried About Dissent

from Caitlin Johnstone: Being labeled a Russian propagandist all day every day for criticizing US foreign policy is really weird, but one advantage it comes with is a useful perspective on what people have really been talking about all these years when they warn of the dangers of “Russian propaganda”. I know I’m not a […]

While The Takeover And Takedown Of The Human Race Is In Full Swing, The Globalists Rely Upon Orchestrated Crises And ‘The Pandemic Of Doubting God’ To Accomplish Sinister Schemes

by Rob Pue, All News Pipeline: Worry. Anxiety. Depression. These disorders have reached pandemic proportions — afflicting people from all walks of life, worldwide. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, here in America, more than one in three adults (37%) suffer from depression or some form of major anxiety disorder. It was recently […]

The U.S. Empire is starting to fall apart.

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran: In order to understand why, the nature of imperialism, and thus of all empires, needs first to be explained (especially because almost no one knows about this): Whereas a merely domestic dictatorship is no danger to other nations, an international dictatorship — or “empire” — is a danger to other nations, because every empire […]

New York State is Losing Jobs to Florida and Texas at an Astonishing Clip

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk: Let’s discuss voting with your feet, where it’s happening and why in the top 10 US population states. Since the pre-Covid pandemic New York State has lost 267,000 jobs. Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio are also job losers. Big gainers, in order, include Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia. TRUTH […]

Fungal Pathogens Are Adapting, The Ruling Class Blames “Climate Change”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan: Researchers have demonstrated how pathogenic fungi could evolve in a “warming climate” to better withstand the heat inside our bodies. This news comes right after the United States and Asia experienced a record cold snap. Considering most of those in the Northern Hemisphere are now more concerned about finding enough energy […]

Cut The BS – NOW

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker: Nobody launches a “balloon” of that sort of size and mass without a means of “de-orbiting” it should it veer out of its expected flight envelope or on command. I don’t care if China intended it to enter our airspace or not (although I will assume they did); they most certainly had the ability to prevent it from […]