NWO Tyranny

Videos: Disney Cartoon Declares U.S. “Built on Slavery” Pushes ‘Reparations’ Propaganda

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News: “We, the descendants of slaves in America, have earned reparations…and continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in the systemic prejudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.” TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ A Disney+ cartoon aimed at children has been […]

Britain’s Tate Museum Has Become an Evil White Man Hall of Shame

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts: Sherelle Jacobs writing in the UK Telegraph reports that the Tate Museum has turned anti-white like American museums such as the Art Institute of Chicago that Heather Mac Donald recently wrote about ( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/02/01/the-cancellation-of-a-civil… ).  Portraits of the men who built the British Empire have been re-labelled detailing their racist sins […]

Chain of Evidence Strongly Suggests That Beijing Biden Is Compromised Through Hunter Biden in Dealings With China

by J.D. Rucker, The Liberty Daily: It’s no secret that many in conservative and alternative media believe Joe Biden is compromised because of the various dealings Hunter Biden has had over the decades. Some Republican politicians have even been bold enough to insinuate it. But other than the occasional piece of anecdotal, circumstantial evidence, the […]

Balloons and Hot Air

by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker: There are sites which regularly publish President Biden’s verbal gaffes. When he’s not hiding in his basement these perilous days, those gaffes are one of the few things you can reliably count on. Townhall.com published one Biden flub this week that is among my favorites. BIDEN: “More than half the women […]