NWO Tyranny

It’s 2030, and robots have more rights than you do…

by Mark E. Jeftovic, Bombthrower: Now that ChatGPT has exploded onto the stage, there is renewed hype around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Whenever AI captures the public imagination, we are subjected to unrestrained conjectures around how it will inevitably take over the future and change our lives. We’re led to believe that AI will usher an era of […]

Actually, Hordes Of Highly Sophisticated Unidentified Aircraft Have Been Flying Over U.S. Territory

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog: Things are starting to get really strange.  First, a “Chinese spy balloon” was shot down off the coast of South Carolina after it had traveled across much of the continental United States.  Then, another “unidentified object” was shot down over Alaska.  Subsequently, at the request of Canadian Prime […]

Lula says Brazilians can receive financial aid only if they have taken the vax. Bolsa Família will require vax certificates from participants & their children:

Lula says Brazilians can receive financial aid only if they have taken the vax. Bolsa Família will require vax certificates from participants & their children: We can't play, it's a question of science. If I have 10 covid vaccines to take, I will take all that is necessary. 💉 💰 pic.twitter.com/hqrYq4jO6r — Geopolitics & Empire […]

Pentagon Wants To Return Special Ops Propagandists To Ukraine

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone: An article by The Washington Post titled “Pentagon looks to restart top-secret programs in Ukraine” contains some interesting information about what US special ops forces were doing in Ukraine in the lead-up to the Russian invasion last year, and what they are slated to be doing there in the future.  […]

What Hersh Got Wrong

by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review: There’s something not-quite-right about Sy Hersh’s report on the destruction of Nord Stream 2. There are a number of inconsistencies in the piece that lead me to believe that Hersh was less interested in presenting ‘the unvarnished truth’ than relaying a version of events that advance a particular agenda. That […]

Biden Blew Up Nord Stream Pipelines but Did He Allow the Ukraine War to Go Ahead to Justify the Covert Operation?

by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture: All the signs were there for American journalists to arrive at the conclusion of Hersh. But they didn’t, fearing this would be an anti-patriotic act. What does Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan all have in common? These are all countries which either have vast energy reserves – or are believed […]