NWO Tyranny

Are They Telling Us What Is Coming Next?

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream: Why are global authorities suddenly so concerned that the bird flu might start spreading widely among humans?  And why is the mainstream media suddenly filled with extremely alarming stories about the disease?  Just a few days ago, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, made […]

If Biden Blew Up Nord Stream 2, Should He Be Impeached for Committing an Act of War Against a Nuclear Power without Congressional Consent?

by Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit: Did Biden just commit an act of war against a nuclear power?  If so this is certainly impeachable.  On Friday TGP opined that Biden should be impeached if he blew up our allies energy pipeline. (To be honest, I didn’t want to be labeled a Russian supporter or in […]

Border Patrol Chief: Aerostats Are ‘an Advantage’ That’s Being Reduced, Despite Good Trend in Numbers, There’s ‘Spike in Chinese Nationals’

by Ian Hanchett, Breitbart: During a portion of an interview with the Fox News Channel aired on Friday’s broadcast of “Special Report,” Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz stated that the January border numbers represent a trend in the right direction, but there has been “a spike in Chinese nationals” and stated that the aerostats — […]

WaPo Humiliated After Apparent Hatchet Job on Hispanic GOP Rep Exposed for World to See

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit: The Washington Post is being accused of racism by a Hispanic lawmaker from Florida. Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida said its recent profile on her was riddled with errors, according to Fox News. “It’s awful how [The Washington Post] treat[s] minorities. And the fact is, is that their […]