NWO Tyranny

MOVING ONWARD – The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C.

by Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit: The state of New California is moving forward.  Today they sent two delegates to Washington D.C. to represent the 51st state.  It’s another historic day for the state of New Californina. The State of New California is gearing up for statehood.   This idea seemed strange until it was mentioned that it […]

Survey: Not Believing in God a ‘Greater Liability in Dating’ than Being ‘Very Religious’

by Katherine Hamilton, Breitbart: While 42 percent of Americans say a potential partner being “very religious” is more negative than positive, not believing in God “appears to be a greater liability in dating,” polling from the Survey Center on American Life found. Daniel Cox, the director of Survey Center on American Life, wrote that despite the United […]

Russia Is Taking on All of NATO Plus Ukraine

by Kim Petersen, Global Research: … NATO doesn’t respect anything about Russia. NATO knows no limits. — Scott Ritter It is difficult for the person-on-the-street to get a proper handle on what is happening in a war. Regarding the current fighting between Russia and Ukraine, the monopoly media in the “West” has often pointed to Ukraine winning. […]