NWO Tyranny

Do You Believe In Shortages? On The Supply Crisis That Isn’t

from Silver Doctors: Whether we’re talking about oranges, or silver, or microchips, or prices, or supply chain disruptions, and more, the shortages are… (by Half Dollar) Remember when the price of crude oil dropped to something like negative-forty-bucks a couple of years ago? Yeah, well, nobody ever paid me to fill up my vehicles or my […]

The crazy and convoluted Khazarian conspiracy behind the royal plot known as “Harry & Meghan”

from State Of The Nation: The ever-exploding Meghan & Harry mega-melodrama is all about one thing, AND ONE THING ONLY… … … … maintaining the appearance of ‘purity’ of the British royal bloodline. TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ Because Prince Harry is well-known throughout the royal family to be the bastard son of Princess Diana and […]

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Military Defeated, New Bill Restores Basic Rights for Soldiers

from 21st Century Wire: This week, the US Congress has unveiled an $858 billion Defense bill which would terminate President Biden’s mandate that all members of the military submit to the experimental mRNA Covid injection. The move comes as a massive blow to Democrats and the Pharmaceutical lobby who were relying on Biden to lock-in […]

The Cult of Globalism: The Great Reset and Its “Final Solution” for “Useless People”

by Timothy Alexander Guzman, Global Research: The idea of the Great Reset derives from the New World Order which is still alive in the minds of the establishment or who we can call the globalists from people like Henry Kissinger to the current US president, Joe Biden.  Of course there are many others on the top levels of […]

The Majority of Voters are Concerned About the Electoral Mess that Took Place in Arizona

by Jose Nino, Big League Politics: Arizona’s controversial midterm election naturally provoked major anger among Republican voters. Even the majority of American voters are in agreement that the “sacred right to vote” is at risk, according to a recent Rasmussen poll. TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ The Rasmussen poll found that 71% of likely United States voters […]

‘Crime Against Science’: Senate Hearing Exposes Government’s ‘Mismanagement’ of COVID Pandemic

by Josh Mitteldorf, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense: Doctors and scientists from major universities and medical centers on Wednesday told the U.S. Senate, during a hearing hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), what they described as a story of corruption and mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hearings were held in the U.S. Senate Wednesday with distinguished doctors and […]

NDAA Stops Vax, First Amendment Crime, Economy Tanking Hard

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog: In a very rare occurrence, Congress halted the military from continuing a widespread program of CV19 vaccination.  Stopping it was part of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) that gave the military $858 billion to spend on its operations.  This sort of legislation is unprecedented and clearly shows members of […]