NWO Tyranny

New Poll Finds Covid Vaccines Are Not Safe – Estimated 12 Million Americans Report Major Side-Effects

by Steve Kirsch, Daily Sceptic: Major polling company Rasmussen polled the American people with a simple four question survey and found that my polls were accurate and so were the V-safe data and so was the Israeli Ministry of Health safety report that nobody wants to see. The Rasmussen poll of 1,000 Americans found that: 32% were not vaccinated. 7% of those surveyed […]

Egregious Government Attack Against Doctor Promoting Vitamin D for COVID

by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, America Outloud: Dr. Eric Nepute is the very first doctor that the federal government has come after, accusing him of violating the 2020 COVID Consumer Protection Act. His case is the first case and is a civil action by the Federal Trade Commission. According to the commission’s complaint, Nepute and his company […]

Raiding Arizona

by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker: A few weeks ago, Julie Kelly tweeted that FBI director Christopher Wray has scheduled a “bureau-wide call with all 36,000+ FBI employees” this month. This is without recent precedent and if true, I hope it’s to announce his resignation. He should, of course, because the agency he heads has been […]

The Twitter Files: The Corporate Media Ignores The Biggest Story Of The Decade

from ZeroHedge: The biggest story of the past decade is not the covid pandemic, the January 6th protests, the war in Ukraine, the BLM riots, or even the stagflationary crisis in the US.  Behind these major events is another story, one that connects them all together in a disturbing way.  Even more important than the […]

Biden Cabal’s ‘Deal With The Devil’ PROVE They Want Americans Dead And Are Fine With Rivers Of Blood Flowing Across America As Long As They Win Brownie Points From The Radical Left!

by Justin O. Smith, All News Pipeline: – Biden’s Trade Opens Door For Every Terrorist And Dictator Across The World Joe Biden, our all amerikkan traitor-in-chief and general foul-up, is holding true to his nature, as he recently made the worst deal on a prisoner swap ever on December 8th 2022, aside from Obama’s deal that swapped Bowe Bergdahl for four […]

Former Disinformation Board Executive Nina Jankowicz, Other DHS Officials, Planned Meeting with Facebook’s Head of Security

by Nick Gilbertson, Breitbart: Records obtained by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) show that Nina Jankowicz – the executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) now-terminated Disinformation Governance Board – and other DHS officials planned to meet with Facebook (now known as Meta) Head of Security Nathaniel Gleicher, who served under that title when […]

As Gov’t Fails Them Americans Quickly Realize the Power of Gun Rights, AR-15s and Private Police

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project: One of the most talked-about issues of the election cycle this year was crime, its massive increase, and what to do about it. Political blowhards on the right and the left jockeyed for your vote by telling you how they would fix the problem if you just vote them in. […]