NWO Tyranny

As Greta, Gore Go Into Hibernation, North America Braces for Another Record Cold Winter

from 21st Century Wire: It’s become a familiar pattern of hibernation of recent – come November, all of the leading climatists, like Greta Thunberg, Al Gore et al, will conveniently disappear in winter, along with the legion of ‘green’ journalists, presumably because they all are all keen to avoid their green soapbox being juxtaposed with yet […]

Airlines Lobbying Congress To Allow Just One Pilot In The Cockpit

from ZeroHedge: Airlines, in their infinite mission to balance costs, profits, and keeping planes full of passengers alive between two points, might be going a little too far in their latest attempt to cut back. According to CBS News, the industry has been quietly lobbing Congress to allow them to use just one pilot in the cockpit instead of two, […]

Biden Suggests Opponents of Child Sex Changes Are Racist, Anti-Semitic And Homophobic: “They’re All Connected”

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation: President Joe Biden suggested Tuesday that anyone who criticizes child sex change surgeries is responsible for “racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia [and] transphobia” — all of which are “connected.” Biden insisted we have to “protect” transgender children by giving them the “care they need” (i.e. sex changes) “so they know they are […]

Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of Abuse

by Techno Fog, The Reactionary: Unsealed testimony implicates Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell We have newly unsealed documents – including the depositions of Ghislaine Maxwell and one of her victims – revealing new details on the extent of the abuse and victimization that took place by Jeffrey Epstein. Those filings come from Giuffre v. Maxwell, a […]

Do Unvaccinated People Need To Be Counselled To Drive Slower? – A New Level of Stupidity

by Vinay Prasad M.D., The Pulse: An important paper came out yesterday, but not for the reason the authors think. Redelmeier and colleagues find that unvaccinated people are more likely to end up in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) than vaccinated people. Let me be clear: it is ridiculous to think that lipid wrapped mRNA spike […]

European Values: French General Suggests Bombing Russian Victory Parade

by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics: Retired General Michel Yakovleff went on French television on December 11 and called for attacking Russia’s Victory Parade. The parade, held in Red Square on May 9, celebrates Russia’s victory over Nazi Germany. Russia lost close to 30 million people during the war, beginning with Operation Barbarossa, the […]