NWO Tyranny

Most People Are Simply Not Ready For The Economic Chaos That Is Coming In 2023

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog: Have you noticed that a lot of big companies have been conducting mass layoffs recently?  At this point, it has become exceedingly clear that a major economic slowdown has begun, and payrolls are being feverishly slashed at a rate that we haven’t seen in a long time.  In […]

Biden’s New Authoritarians Prioritize Gender Transition over Religious Liberty

by Harry G. Hutchison, American Thinker: Refusing to respect the Constitution; the Church Amendment, which protects the conscience rights of doctors; or a 2016 court case brought by a religious hospital and more than 20,000 health care professionals, the Biden administration maintains it has sufficient authority to punish groups that don’t perform gender “transition” surgery and abortions.  Following […]

Is the CCP harvesting data on Americans from “smart” appliances?

by Ethan Huff, Natural News: In 2016, Haier, a Chinese multinational home appliances and consumer electronics company, purchased GE Appliances for $5.4 billion, creating a consumer products mega-conglomerate that actively spies on customers via their “smart” appliances and relays all that data back to communist China. United States Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo warned recently that the Haier-GE […]

With The Criminal Overthrow Of America Now Complete, A Total Analysis Of How Globalists Completed Their Coup With Big Tech, RINO’s, The FBI And The MSM All Complicit In Treason

by Jack Gleason, All News Pipeline: Multiple polls conclude that over 70% of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud. But we’re learning it’s deeper and more organized than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election boxes. The corruption involves both political parties. Big Tech manipulates search engine results, and takes down […]

How The West’s Media Slip In Some Lies Even When They Start to Allow Some Truths

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran: Bloomberg News headlined on December 12th, “Can Europe’s Energy Bridge to Russia Ever Be Rebuilt?” and the hired columnist said “I’m with the ‘yes’ crowd — even if Vladimir Putin stays in the Kremlin.” He said that this will be necessary for Europe because “if it’s going to keep its chemical, food […]