NWO Tyranny

World’s First Online Dating Service for Unvaccinated Launches in Hawaii

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit: In today’s dating scene, a person’s COVID-19 vaccination status can make or break a relationship. For this reason, Shelby Thomson and Heather Pyle, two businesswomen from Maui, Hawaii, developed the world’s first online dating service dedicated to unvaccinated people. The two found the online dating game to be frustrating […]

FOOD AS INFORMATION: Living Water, Epigenetic Pathways, and the Wisdom of the Ancestral Diet

by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info: Take an apple, for example. This amazing fruit is brimming with pharmacologically (or better yet, nutrigenomically) active compounds, most notably ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C. Another compound it contains is phlorizin, over a dozen polyphenols, potent antioxidants concentrated in the skin of the apple and known to elicit multitargeted […]

The puppet master: A new report exposes how George Soros’ propaganda machine has corrupted the media

from RT: The Budapest-born billionaire has constructed an incredible global network of influence A new report from the US-based Newsbusters has exposed a vast web of media and activist organizations, funded with millions of dollars, annually, by the billionaire George Soros. The outlet bills itself as “an online rapid-response vehicle for documenting, exposing, and neutralizing […]

Berlusconi Blames Zelensky for Ukraine War: ‘All He Had to Do Was to Stop Attacking The Donbas’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation: Volodymyr Zelensky is to blame for the war in Ukraine, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi told the media on Sunday. From Politico, “Berlusconi blames Zelenskyy for war in Ukraine”: “All [Zelenskyy] had to do was to stop attacking the two autonomous republics of the Donbas and this would not have […]

U.K. : Covid Vaccines Increased Risk of Hospitalization, 6-9 Months Following Jab. Surge in Hospitalization Rates per 100,000

by Igor Chudov, Global Research: SUMMARY: UKHSA’s report shows that instead of “protecting” people from Covid-19, Covid vaccines significantly increase the risk of hospitalization in months 7-9 after vaccination. publishes regular “vaccine effectiveness reports.” The reports were designed to have several statistical sections meant to highlight vaccine successes. Funnily, many sections had to be discontinued as “vaccine […]

The WEF Thinks Governments & Your Boss Should Have Access To Your Thoughts

by Joe Martino, The Pulse: Imagine thinking about someone while you are at work, and your boss has access to technology that can create a visible image of the person you’re thinking of? This technology is already here. Nita A. Farahany Robinson, Professor of Law and Philosophy at Duke University, took the stage at this […]