NWO Tyranny

Kyle Bass: China’s Xi Intentionally Crashing Housing Market, Preparing for War

from The Epoch Times: Dallas-based hedge fund manager Kyle Bass is predicting big economic issues for China throughout 2023, stemming from an overleveraged financial system, collapsing property market, and unsustainable birth rates. China, a nation accustomed to greater than 7 percent real GDP growth for the past 10 years, is seeing signs of economic sluggishness. “The volume of exports […]

Mr. Gensler, the U.S. Stock Market Structure Is an Institutionalized Wealth Transfer System

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade: The Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Gary Gensler, announced in June that he was going to tackle the structure of the U.S. stock market – ostensibly to make it fairer to the little guy. His plans were released last Wednesday in a mountain […]

New Zealand’s gone full Stalin as they ask people to turn in their friends and family, who they claim are ‘conspiracy theorists’, but the government sees as terrorists!

New Zealand's gone full Stalin as they ask people to turn in their friends and family, who they claim are ‘conspiracy theorists’, but the government sees as terrorists! pic.twitter.com/IVNugGEEe4 — Dane (@UltraDane) December 20, 2022

The Completely-Partisan January 6th Select Committee Kangaroo Court Recommends Charges Of ‘Obstruction and Insurrection’ Against Donald Trump

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins: A Democrat-led US House of Representatives panel on Monday asked federal prosecutors to charge Donald Trump with obstruction and insurrection for his role in sparking the January 6th assault on the Capitol. Kangaroo Court is now in session. A partisan panel led completely by Democrats, actual and functional, voted […]

You have a whistleblower from Runbeck the ballot company, that said approximately 300,000 ballots were illegally inserted into the tally

.@christina_bobb: "You have a whistleblower from Runbeck the ballot company, that said approximately 300,000 ballots were illegally inserted into the tally. Not coming from drop boxes, not coming from polling locations, but just being brought in by employees." pic.twitter.com/4xq00amHqs — Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) December 17, 2022

Massive migrant INVASION of the United States just days away as Dems collude to overrun the USA with millions of illegals

by Mike Adams, Natural News: In their latest racist effort to destroy America and displace the American people, Democrats are set to welcome a massive wave of illegal immigration as soon as Title 42 is revoked. Chief Justice Roberts granted a temporary injunction against the measure being taken down, but that’s unlikely to hold for […]

Russia: US-Made Missiles Were Destroyed

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan: Russian claims the missiles made in the United States were destroyed over the Western part of the former Soviet Union. A barrage of anti-radar HARM projectiles was intercepted mid-air, the Russian Defense Ministry says. Four US-made AGM-88 HARM aircraft-fired anti-radar missiles have been shot down over Russia’s Belgorod Region, which […]