NWO Tyranny

“Putin Has Misread the West And if He Doesn’t Wake Up Soon, Armageddon Is Upon Us”

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts: Question 1—You think that Putin should have acted more forcefully from the beginning in order to end the war quickly. Is that an accurate assessment of your view on the war? And—if it is—then what do you think is the downside of allowing the conflict to drag on […]

REPORT: George Soros Non-Profits Gave Millions To Anti-Police Groups In 2021

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit: The massive increase in crime in America over the last few years did not happen by accident. It was spread through a coordinated effort on the left to demonize the police. Now we know that some of these groups got significant financial backing from George Soros affiliated organizations. TRUTH […]

Is There Hope in Arizona? COVID Accountability Moves Closer

by Tom Renz, Tom’s Newsletter: Will There Be Justice in the Lake Case; More Sudden Deaths, More Genejab Revelations, and Mask Mandates Won’t Die Lake’s lawsuit is continuing and a judge GRANTED three of four Lake requests to review ballots in preparation for trial. This is critical but not necessarily the win it seems. Given the corruption […]

Deutsche Bank: “A Certain Degree of Eco-Dictatorship Will Be Necessary”

by Toby Young, Daily Sceptic: Izabella Kaminska, formerly the Editor of the FT’s Alphaville and now the Editor of the Blind Spot, has flagged up an alarming passage in a document published in January 2021 by Deutsche Bank Research entitled ‘What we must do to Rebuild’. Eric Heyman has written the section about the tough choices the EU must […]

Actor Tim Robbins expresses remorse about turning on the unvaccinated and the unmasked: ‘We turned into tribal, angry, vengeful people’

by Joseph Mackinnon, The Blaze: Leftist actor Tim Robbins appeared on British comedian Russell Brand’s podcast this week to retroactively denounce the politicization of health policies during the pandemic and to express remorse about his uncritical acceptance of the media’s COVID-19 narrative. In the Dec. 18 episode of Brand’s podcast, Robbins, an Academy Award-winning actor, explained his […]