NWO Tyranny

Why Russia, which spends One-Twentieth What America Does on Military, Is Militarily More Successful Than America

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran: Whereas in America (which makes and sells half of all of the world’s war-weapons), the manufacturers of war-weaponry are privately owned and succeed only by enriching their investors, Russia’s manufacturers of war-weapons are majority-owned by the Government and succeed only by winning Russia’s wars — serving the Government, which controls these […]

Report: National Guard to Send Final Paycheck Before Christmas Late as Biden Admin Sends Billions to Ukraine

by Jordan Dixon Hamilton, Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s administration reportedly failed to send National Guard troops their final paycheck of the year during the week of Christmas, according to a letter sent to troops obtained by The Post Millennial. The National Guard troops’ paychecks were disrupted due to congressional drama surrounding the $1.7 trillion omnibus […]

Canadian Masters To Slave Children: You’ll Be On Santa’s “Naughty List” Unless Your Vaxxed

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan: The Canadian government put out a propaganda video telling the children that they rule over that unless they get the COVID-19 injection, they will be on Santa’s “naughty list.” The propaganda has gone beyond adults, and the sociopaths are so desperate to inject more of the slave class that they […]


by Julie Kelly, American Greatness: Congressional Republicans think lining Zelenskyy’s army-green pockets with more U.S. tax dollars is a greater need than tackling any number of ongoing crises roiling the country right now. Apicture, they say, is worth a thousand words. But there are only a few profane words to describe the obscene scene as […]

The Mother of All Crashes Is Coming in April 2023

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market: From Brandon Smith The signs of the coming economic contraction are already both present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably won’t be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse. It’s a problem that arises at the onset of every historic financial crisis – mainstream economists and cable-news commentators deliberately […]