NWO Tyranny

A Dem-Linked Dark Money Network Is Quietly Funding The ‘Misinformation’ Research Industry

by Ailan Evans, The Daily Caller: Arabella Advisors, a consultant firm with ties to the Democratic Party, manages funds that are supporting academic and independent research into online “misinformation,” predominantly targeting conservatives’ online presence. Researchers funded by the Arabella network recommended strategies such as censorship as ways to mitigate the spread of “misinformation” and “disinformation.”  […]

CIA’s Deadly “Strategy of Tension” to Destroy Russia

by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics: The USG planned subversion operations inside Russia well before Putin’s SMO. On Monday, the Russian Federation Engels airbase in the Saratov region, nearly 400 miles from Ukraine, was attacked for a second time since the beginning of Russia’s SMO. “Russia’s Defense Ministry said the incident took place in […]

World Economic Forum cancels Twitter, directs followers to Chinese social media apps

by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier: The WEF and the CCP are close allies. Prior to its upcoming conference in Davos next month, the World Economic Forum (WEF) appears to have joined the cancel campaign against Twitter, taking to recommending Chinese state-controlled social media apps to “follow along” with Davos Man into the future. TRUTH LIVES […]

CNN ‘Expert’ Who Called For Medical Tyranny In America Changes Tune After Being Called Out For Covering Up Genocide – Now Claims Immunity Much More Effective Than Vaxxes

by Joel S Hirschhorn, All News Pipeline: – How tyrants take away rights – ‘Purebloods’ turned into 2nd class citizens for thinking for ourselves! Back on July 17th of 2021, we at All News Pipeline published this story titled “Globalists Pushing ‘Monthly Magic Frankenshots’ As ‘The Answer’ To The ‘Covid Problem’ They Created: CNN Talking Head Proclaims ‘Life […]