NWO Tyranny

CWC Labs and Mike Adams will help analyze comet impact evidence tied to the fall of civilization 12,800 years ago – an interview with Dr. Malcolm LeCompte from Comet Research Group

by Mike Adams, Natural News: In an interview with Dr. Malcolm LeCompte of the Comet Research Group, I pledged microscopy and ICP-MS (mass spec) instrument time to the comet researchers to help them analyze the physical evidence left behind by the cataclysm believed to have taken place around 12,800 years ago in an event called the Younger […]

Police State: Cops Killed More People in 2022 than Any Year on Record

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan: This article was originally published by Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project under the title: Cops Killed More People in 2022 than Any Year on Record — Here’s How to Stop It from Happening Again As 2023 begins, American police polish off another deadly year, ending 1,176 lives in 2022. This number […]

Kevin McCarthy Has now lost 6 straight votes to be Speaker of the House

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts: Kevin McCarthy has 201 votes, 17 short of the 218 required.  His challenger, Byron Donalds of Florida has 20 votes. To be sure you understand what this means.  In the entirety of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, there are only 20 members dedicated to change.  McCarthy’s 201 votes […]

Lawyer says Biden’s DOJ hiding hundreds of documents revealing payoffs, gifts to Hunter, Jim Biden from China, Russia, Ukraine

by JD Heyes, Natural News: A Colorado lawyer who sued for documents in relation to Hunter and Jim Biden’s business dealings overseas says Joe Biden’s Justice Department is hiding hundreds of them and has refused so far to turn them over. Attorney Kevin Evans filed suit against the department in March after officials refused to provide […]

Covid Vaccine News: How much longer can Covidians keep up appearances?

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News: Below is a small selection of articles posted yesterday about covid “vaccines.”   It’s all bad news for the pharmaceutical industry and those pushing the so-called vaccines. A survey in America shows that 28% of people, one in four, know someone who has died from the covid injections. A study of […]

U.S. Government Demanded Twitter Suspend 250,000 accounts, Including Journalists

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense: Two new “Twitter files” document dumps, released Tuesday, reveal details about how the relationship between Twitter, the U.S. intelligence apparatus, and federal and state agencies was “formalized.” Two new “Twitter files” document dumps, released Tuesday, reveal details about how the relationship between Twitter, the U.S. intelligence apparatus, and […]