NWO Tyranny

The Cycle of Freedom

by Jeff Thomas, International Man: Periodically, I offer up a statement by Scottish economist Alexander Tytler, who, in 1787, was reported to have commented on the then-new American Republic as follows: A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up […]

REVEALED: The Lies About Jan 6h Have Been Relentless

from 21st Century Wire: Unlike the mainstream official narrative of the so-called January 6th “insurrection”, the facts on the day shatter the official narrative of events, and dismantle the politicized persecution brought by the partisan DOJ and FBI – against countless US citizens – protestors and Conservatives who merely attending the protest. It appears that […]

Dr. Jordan Peterson Accused of Heresy by Ontario College of Psychologists

by John Leake, Global Research: I’ve often thought that if Dr. Jordan Peterson can be faulted for anything, it’s taking his ridiculous critics too seriously. Since he rose to prominence in 2016 for his perfectly reasonable opposition to the Trudeau government’s Bill C-16 compelled speech law, he has been contending with legions of bloviating, hysterical ninnies who […]

NEW – FBI director, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, as well as Gates Foundation officials to reportedly attend Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum summit in Davos next week.

NEW – FBI director, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock, and Pfizer, as well as Gates Foundation officials to reportedly attend Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum summit in Davos next week.https://t.co/KtpEtzvO44 — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) January 9, 2023