
Trump Was High Of Adderall, Suffering From Amphetamine Psychosis, When He Made Up "Spy-Gate"

The idea of of South Carolina pinhead is being used as the arbiter of FBI fairness is pretty scary, but with Trey Gowdy, still chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, getting ready for his last few months in Congress, it appears he's been gradually shedding his extreme partisan coat.

CASE CLOSED: NO COLLUSION – House Intelligence Committee votes to release findings

The House Intelligence Committee has come to its conclusion as regards the matter of whether or not the Russian government or anyone in it was involved in collusion with the Trump campaign to interfere or alter election results in the 2016 Presidential Election.
That conclusion is simple.
There was none.
Zero, zilch, zip, nada, ничего.

Donald Trump unexpectedly blocks release of Democrats ‘rebuttal’ memo

Democrat hypocrisy appears to have been stopped cold by President Trump in the run-up to their releasing their own “memo” intended to rebut and play down the claims about inappropriate and illegally gained FISA warrants based on an unverified document by a former MI6 agent who was hired to do opposition research for the Clinton campaign. The President refused to allow the Democrat memo to be released in its current form.