
Time For Some Good Ole '60's-Era Hallucinations?

I never understood why, but one of my nicknames in college was "Tripmaster. I only took something like 65 or 75 trips. I had friends who took tons more. I never thought of it as anything beyond a journey into my spiritual side but now Paul Tullis wrote about a medical aspect relevant to the age of pandemics. And, I guarantee you, this coronavirus won't be the last, whether it was made in a lab-- now viewed as likely-- or not. He reminds his readers that "Switzerland is the only place in the world where use of psychedelics in limited cases-- as medicine-- is allowed...

Is There A Correlation Between Trumpf Fans And Ted Nugent Fans? I'll Guess Yes, A Strong One

Last night I was invited to be a guest on WBZ's NightSide with Dan Rea, to talk about why so many people are urging President Obama to replace Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chair of the DNC. I've been doing these Wasserman Schultz interviews on TV and radio for the past two weeks and they're kind of routine for me now. Tuesday wasn't. I was unaware that I was going on a right-wing radio show. Now, as it turns out, Rea is a knowledgeable guy and a gentleman, and a genial host.