
Two Russians Charged in Skripal Case Appear to Break the Laws of Physics

NOTE: Given the airport design, it’s possible that they could have passed through different gates in exact synchronicity. (ZHE Opinion) — As we detailed earlier, in what appears to be the latest escalation in the UK government’s campaign to blame Russia for the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal, his daughter Yulia Skripal and three other […]

Putin’s Novichok assassins identified. Pictured smiling, walking UK streets (Video)

UK prosecutors have cracked the Novichok poisoning hoax by identifying two Russian they suspect of poisoning Sergei and Yulia Skripal as, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov.
The two are being charged with the attempted murder of the ex-double agent and his daughter along with a police officer.
British police stated that the suspects (both around 40 years old) were traveling on authentic Russian passports and had arrived in the UK days before the poisoning incident.

US Sanctions Russia Over Alleged Chemical Attack in UK

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Months after Britain alleged that the Russian government carried out nerve-agent attacks in Salisbury, the Trump Administration has announced a new round of sanctions against Russia, aimed to punish them for the incident. The Novichuk poisoning incident was claimed by Britain’s government, but contested by Russia. There was never conclusive evidence to support the claims Russia was […]

Rapid cremation of Amesbury “Novichok” victim raises suspision

Deadly poisonings are taking place in Britain allegedly due to exposure to the banned nerve agent novichok and the British government is on a crusade to destroy the evidence, while claiming that the Russians are behind the poisonings. The house that the Skripals were in is slated for being demolished and a recent victim, who was allegedly poisoned with the same substance, has died from it and is being cremated. In essence, this means that it won’t be possible to conduct further tests or examinations of the victim or the scene of the crime because they won’t exist.

Yulia Skripal to return to Russia

Reports are emerging that Yulia Skripal will return to Russia before long, based on statements that have surfaced from her cousin, Viktoria Skripal. Viktoria says that Yulia is faring well and now has an internet connection, and that Yulia has indicated that once her father, former double agent Sergei Skripal, has sufficiently improved she will go back to her homeland. A phone conversation between Viktoria and Yulia reportedly took place on Tuesday on the occasion of Yulia’s grandmother’s 90th birthday, Sergei’s mother, who expressed that she was happy to learn that Sergei was okay.

The Germans have a Russian hacking story afterall

Two Germany broadcasters, ZDF and WDR, are claiming that they have become the victims of a new Russian cyber attack. The attack is being reported as being the work of a Russian hacking group known as ‘Sandworm’. Reports are saying that the attack occurred in June, but has no clue about what the hackers were after, or whether any sensitive information was stolen. Additionally, the ‘Sandworm’ hacking group is also suspected of having ties to the Kremlin, and played a role in the attack on the US DNC servers during the 2016 US Presidential election.

Macedonia’s NATO accession talks have begun

In its mission to further develop a growing alliance to fend off the Russian aggression threat, NATO is officially engaging in talks with Macedonia. Following Crimea’s ‘annexation’ by Russia, Russia is perceived as a very grave threat by some European nations which seem to fear something like that happening to them. A High NATO Delegation has taken place in Skopje, headed up by the leader of the Euro-Atlantic & Global Partnership office of NATO.

Murray: Novichok, Rowley and the ‘Silence of the (Media) Whores’

At long last, the British government’s latest ‘Novichok victim’ appears for a touching and emotional interview. 45 year-old Charlie Rowley was finally let off the security services leash just enough to squeeze out a new official version of how he and his now deceased partner managed to find themselves in the middle of what ITV and the government-media complex insist is ‘Another Russia WMD Attack on UK Soil’.

UK COLUMN: White Helmets Exodus from Syria, Novichok 2, Amazon Warns of Brexit ‘Unrest’

We’re told that 800 White Helmets had to be ‘rescued’ via Israel because they were “being targeted”. Also, Syria officially recognized South Ossetia this week; new advice on how to avoid Novichok; warned of social unrest if ‘no deal’ goes through on Brexit, and more.

UK Column News anchor Mike Robinson and guest host Patrick Henningsen with today’s international news round-up.