Northwestern Heatwave

Heat Dome over the Pacific Northwest worst on record: hundreds die  

The ‘heat dome’ over western Canada and parts of the U.S. Pacific northwest is taking its toll: Already hundreds of deaths. A Reuters report from Vancouver and Portland said: In Canada’s British Columbia, at least 486 sudden deaths were reported over five days, nearly three times the usual number that would occur in the province over that period, the B.C.[Read More...]

Extreme Heat in Canada’s British Columbia and U.S. Northwest: Scores feared dead  

Extreme heatwave has hit the Canadian west coast and the northwest U.S. leading to scores of deaths. In areas, temperature rose to more than 46°C to more than 47°C. Media reports on the heat dome now covering the Pacific Northwest are telling hardship of people in the regions, melting of power cables, buckling of roads, and closure of schools, universities,[Read More...]

Northwestern Heatwave Sparks Calls for Transformative Climate Action

As the Pacific Northwest and southwestern Canada bake under what’s being described as a “once-in-a-millennium” heat dome, green groups on Monday reiterated the need for transformational change to address the climate emergency, while progressive U.S. lawmakers underscored the imperative for any infrastructure legislation to center climate action.