North Carolina

Americans Trust Democratic Governors Far More Than They Trust Trump To Handle The Pandemic-- And That Will Play Out In November

Louisiana is a deep red state, although they elected a fairly conservative centrist Democrat, John Bel Edwards, governor-- twice. In 2016 the state went for Trump over Hillary 1,178,004 (58.1%) to 779,535 (38.4%). She took 10 of the state's 64 parishes-- basically the black vote and nothing more. The state has 2 ultra-conservative Republican U.S.

North Carolina Congressional Map Looks Better-- But Republicans Are Still Cheating

.mcclatchy-embed{position:relative;padding:40px 0 56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%}.mcclatchy-embed iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%}North Carolina leans a little Republican. The state's shifting PVI is currently R+3 but that doesn't tell the whole story. As of November 9 of this year this is how voters were registered:

Trump Has Led The GOP Into A Death Spiral-- Last Night Was Just A Taste Of What's Coming

This morning, Aaron Blake noted at the Washington Post that "When President Trump was elected, he promised the GOP that they would win so much they would get tired of it. But for a third successive election year since then, the Republican Party has walked away the loser." Also this morning a top Democratic congressional staffer told me that she spoke to "two different Republican Hill staffers who have expressed serious concerns with how badly last night went for them.

Erica Smith Is Out-Polling Cal Cunningham But Schumer Prefers A Conservative White Man To A Progressive Black Woman

Yesterday, the DSCC officially endorsed middle of the road loser, Cal Cunningham for the North Carolina U.S. Senate seat occupied by Trump ass-kisser Thom Tillis. Cunningham, however, is in a tight primary battle with popular state Senator Eric Smith, who currently leads him in the polls.

Money Money Money Makes Chuck Schumer's World Go Round

Picture Chuck Schumer playing either Liza Minnelli or Joel Grey in this 1972 film, released while he was still in law school, earning a law degree he never used once, going straight into vacuuming up money from special interests to finance his grubby political career. And now, he's demanding that other Democrats do the same-- or else. In 2006 Schumer was a loyal Harry Reid henchman and ran the DSCC. One race I remember well was when he recruited a pointless party hack, John Morrison, a Wall Street puppet then serving as Montana state auditor.

North Carolina Hangs In The Balance

Roy Cooper and Dan ForestIn 2017, a panel of judges threw out North Carolina's gerrymandered legislative districts, calling them unconstitutional and telling the State Assembly to redraw nearly half the 170 districts. The new map of the state's House and Senate districts have been submitted to the same panel.Although North Carolina is a swing state when it comes to statewide elections-- in 2016 current Gov. Roy Cooper (D) ousted ex-Gov.