non-gmo project

WIN! Triscuit Now Carries Non-GMO Project Certification

Mondelez International, the parent company of the Triscuit brand, announced August 7, 2017 in a news release that it has switched its entire portfolio to the Non-GMO Verified Certification. The move was made in response to the growing demand from buyers for wholesome food products free of genetically-modified ingredients. [1] [2]
The Non-GMO Project is the #1 leading independent verifier of non-GMO foods in the United States, as well as the only third-party non-GMO verification system in the country. [2]

5 PepsiCo Products to Adopt the Non-GMO Project Label in a Few Months

Tropicana Pure Premium products and 4 other PepsiCo brands will soon bear the Non-GMO Project butterfly seal. The emblem will start appearing early next year.
PepsiCo has been one of the biggest opponents of state efforts to require labels on such foods, though now it seems the company is making extra effort to grapple the consumer market seeking organic and non-GMO foods.