Nobel Peace Prize

Ignore Syria the Movie: And Please Read Vanessa Beeley on Syria & the ‘White Helmets’…

I was trying to actually take a short break from posting for a while; but the sheer level of BS being spewed as international powers desperately seek a renewed premise for military intervention in Syria is just stomach turning. The BS propaganda game is accelerating more every day. On TV, on the radio, in newspapers, […]

A NOBEL LIE: CNN’s Claim That ‘White Helmets Center in Damascus’ Was Hit by a Barrel Bomb

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

Some will have noticed, in the frantic run-up to the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, CNN and a number of other mainstream corporate outlets ran an incredible story claiming that, “White Helmets group says aid center hit by barrel bomb.”
This headline story ran all day along the bottom of the TV screen in CNN’s news ticker, and claimed that:

Desmond Tutu Nominates “Palestine’s Mandela” for Nobel Peace Prize

(ANTIMEDIA) United Kingdom — Anti-apartheid activist and Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu, has nominated imprisoned Palestinian leader, Marwan Barghouthi, for a Nobel Peace Prize. The first black Archbishop of Cape Town, himself a living symbol of a liberation struggle, was also awarded the prestigious prize in 1984 for his opposition to South Africa’s brutal racist regime.