Nobel Peace Prize

Attention, War Criminals: Prizes Still Available

In the long, confounding history of inappropriate or unwarranted awards and prizes, U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger being named the joint winner of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize has to rank at the top of any such list.
Clearly, it ranks higher than Roberto Benigni beating out Ian McKellen for the Best Actor Oscar, in 1998, and way higher than the Chevrolet Vega being named Motor Trend magazine’s 1971 “Car of the Year.”

6 Reasons Why Trump Should Never Get the Nobel Peace Prize

(MEE) — Both US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un got exactly what they wanted from the Singapore summit: a photo-op that will lift the former’s sagging poll numbers at home, while bolstering the legitimacy of the latter’s brutal and predatory regime. The talks ended with nothing but the empty verbal promises of two […]

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: Norwegian politicians nominate Donald Trump

While the long-term results of yesterday’s summit between President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un remain to be seen, the historic encounter is, of course, causing waves throughout the world.
The summit resulted in a brief document in which North Korea agreed to an eventual denuclearization in exchange for security guarantees from the U.S. Trump also announced that the U.S. would be suspending the joint military exercises with South Korea that have kept Pyongyang paranoid of an invasion.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahBy the time you read this, Señor Trumpanzee will have landed in Singapore for his meeting with fellow total nutboy Kim Jong-un. No, his wife Melania isn't traveling with him. Instead, he has taken along his TV wife, Sean Hannity, really.The fact that Trump thinks he is entitled to a Nobel Prize just for meeting with Kim, let alone actually accomplishing anything of significance for humanity, has been talked about for weeks now.

Is Trumpanzee Making His Nobel Prize A Pre-Condition?

Ivanka and Jared will run Pyongyang's fanciest restaurantI recall that right after Trump fake-cancelled his meeting with Kim Jong-Un. he blubbered something about his willingness to reinstate the meeting but "only under our conditions." First and foremost of those conditions-- aside from Trump getting to share the Nobel Peace Prize with Kim and Moon-- is that North Korea denuclearize.

Trump formally nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize

Eighteen Republican lawmakers have signed a letter formally nominating President Trump for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.
The letter, addressed to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, states that President Trump has worked “tirelessly to apply maximum pressure to North Korea to end its illicit weapons programs and bring peace to the region.”
The GOP nomination letter reads…