
4-20... Will California Finally Just Legalize Marijuana? Ted Lieu Thinks So

Californians voted-- 5,382,915 (55.6%) to 4,301,960 (44.4%)-- to legalize medical marijuana in a 1996 proposition written by an old friend and coworker of mine, Dennis Peron. Our state was the first to do so, although half the states in the union have followed suit, blue states like New York and Massachusetts, red states like Alaska and Arizona and purple states like Nevada and New Hampshire.

Why Should Marijuana Legalization Be An Election Issue In Congressional Races?

If you follow this blog, you may be aware that I stopped using drugs in 1969-- December 1, 1969, to be precise... in my VW van at the Ganda Singh Wala border crossing parking lot between Pakistan and India. Last year, suffering from the side effects of massive chemotherapy treatments, I reluctantly decided to try to cope with the pain and other side effects by using marijuana again, which my doctor approved of.

Will Alex Law Actually Hoist The Norcross Machine On Its Own Petard?

Team AlexIt's been a long hard climb for Alex Law in his campaign for South Jersey's first congressional district, currently controlled by the blatantly corrupt Norcross Machine, which installed Donald Norcross last year when their last puppet, Rob Andrews, was told my federal investigators to either resign immediately or face prison.

Political Machines Steal Elections... It's What They Do-- And That Doesn't Just Mean The Evil Republicans

DNC Chair-- and congressional payday lender stooge-- Debbie Wasserman Schultz is certain that if she wound up on the witness chair in a court case she would be able to get away with her serial attempts to sabotage Bernie Sanders' campaign on behalf of her old crony, Hillary Clinton. How do I know? She was bragging about it to Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business News Monday morning. "There is just no shred of evidence to suggest that I’m favoring Hillary Clinton...

Alex Law-- Fighting Back Against Corruption In South Jersey... On A Bernie Platform

If Bernie Sanders wasn't running for president this year, Alex Law would still be a compelling candidate for Congress in the badlands of South Jersey where politics are under the control of the state's most corrupt family, the Norcross Machine, something that harkens back to past darker decades. When the grotesquely corrupt retainer who had been serving as the Machine's Member of Congress, Rob Andrews, was given the option of leaving Congress or going to prison for improper use of campaign funds, he resigned and Boss Norcross stuck his right-wing younger brother into the seat.

Democrats Want To Raise The Minimum Wage-- But Progressives Want To Raise It Quickly And Conservatives Want To Drag Their Feet

Democratic Machine boss George Norcross' little brother, Donald, has been a miserable congressman for less than a term, but he's already eyeing Bob Menendez's Senate seat. So how does the most conservative Democrat in the New Jersey congressional delegation win what's expected to be a rough and tumble primary with real progressives like Frank Pallone in it?