
Chelsea Manning Remains Steadfast In Face Of Mainstream Media Criticism

A still image from the ABC News interview with Chelsea Manning, her first since being released from prison. (Photo: ABC News screenshot)
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Whether in an imperfect or hostile setting, Chelsea Manning’s persevering spirit and humanity never fails to shine. That was certainly the case in her exclusive interview for “Nightline” on ABC.

Chelsea Manning: Seeing Victims Of US War As ‘People’ – Not ‘Statistics’ – Compelled Leaks

“I stopped seeing just statistics and information, and I started seeing people,” Manning said. (Photo: ABC News Screenshot)
U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning has given her first interview since being released from prison last month in which she explains her motivations for making public thousands of military documents.
Excerpts of her interview with ABC‘s “Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang aired Friday on the network’s “Good Morning America.”