Nicola Sturgeon

Scotland and the Trident Question

“As you resume or take office, you will recognise one of the heaviest and most important burdens on your desk will be your responsibility for Britain’s independent nuclear deterrent.  That deterrent exists, as you will know, not as a military weapon but as a political one whose very purpose is for it never to be used in anger.  It is there to deter aggression against this country and our allies and to counter any nuclear blackmail which would threaten Britain’s essential interests or survival.”

Breakaway SNP Strikes Fear into Westminster Parties

The SNP (Scottish National Party), under feisty new leader Nicola Sturgeon, is scaring the daylights out of Labour and Conservatives with the prospect of a strong squad of MPs marching south headed by fearsome former leader and political bruiser Alex Salmond.
Cameron or Miliband for prime minister – warmongering toff or socialist nonentity? And with whose coalition help? That’s the bleak choice for British voters.

Scottish First Minister leads united call for Iraq war report disclosure

RT | January 19, 2015 Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Nicola Sturgeon has called for a united political movement to demand the immediate publication of the Chilcot Inquiry report into the legality of the 2003 Iraq invasion. Sturgeon has written to other Scottish party leaders, urging them to unite in favor of immediate publication. The […]